Thank You.

Now that you are ready to place your property on the market, we need photographs and floor plans to allow them to see the inside and layout of the property and viewing times for prospective buyers to visit your property.

Please note that you will have multiple options;

Photographs may be your own which you can upload or you may select our service to have professional quality images taken and also floorplans. We strongly recommend that you have professional photography and floorplans undertaken give prospective buyer an accurate view of the property and the potential possibilities available to them if they purchase it. We believe that this will attract the most serious buyers.

You can personally host buyers on dates and times that work for you, you can host an Open Day where buyers can attend anytime during a self-specified period (usually a minimum of 4 hours on a Saturday) or you can purchase a service where our professionals will attend the property on your behalf and host an Open House where buyers can view it during a specified 4 hour time slot.